Saturday, December 6, 2014

Act of Kindness and Hospital Cover up of Crimes 6, 2014   Saturday

Act of Kindness and Hospital Cover up of Crimes
By  Lino Dial

Yesterday, I posted the article  :
Act of Kindness by Dr. Ted Herbosa,  Professor of Medicine at the University of the Philippines. 

The kindness described was from :   Matthew  25 : 31 - 46

Question :

What has the Act of Kindness got to do with Hospital Cover up of Crimes at Sutter-Solano Medical Center in the City of Vallejo, California ?

Answer :

The short answer :

No Act of Kindness in the intentional , deliberate falsifications of hospital patient medical records performed by Dr. Robert S. Blum , M.D.
to Squeeze or get money from a poor woman.

This action of Dr. Robert Blum was callous , senseless , depraved and complete disregard for human life.

The woman was my patient at Sutter-Solano Medical Center. 
She was from another State ,  not California. 

I never saw her before , I did not know her.

The choice I had to make was whether to protect the falsifications of Dr. Blum or to protect the civil and human rights of this woman.

I decided to protect the basic human rights of this poor woman.

I remembered the story in Matthew  25 : 31 - 46

This poor lady was traveling, far from home.

Just like the Immaculate Conception who traveled from the Holy Land to Egypt.

She got sick and was under my care.

She was hungry and thirsty for medical care.

If I did not care for her , on the last day or

Judgment of Nations, what will I say to the Lord?

The Lord will tell me :

" I was a stranger and ill in the hospital and you did not  care for me ..."

I put my Medical license on the line , my entire professional career in protecting the rights of the lady.

Question :

Can you imagine if this case ever made public ?

1.  People will say :  Sutter-Solano Medical Center and Dr. Blum squeezed a few dollars from a poor woman.

2.  Poor people have little money and the Hospital and doctors are like leeches sucking out what little money they have.

3.  Reputation of Hospital and Doctors ?

4.  What about the poor woman , doesn't she have a reputation also ?

5.  She is someone's mother , sister , wife or grandma.

6.  If she were your mother,  how would you feel ?

To be continued. 

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